How would you classify your religion?

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This is a question I have had put to me several times lately, and the more I think about it, the further I get from an answer.

I can tell you how I have come to the place I am. I can tell you so much about my faith, but when you ask about my religion, it asks me to classify my complex faith into a simple title. And Oh My Gods! I suck at naming things.

In fact, I nominated that I have that right taken away years ago. Of the millions of different umbrellas under which I could throw my hat, NONE are right. So, when I am asked this question, even though I am more than willing to answer, I have no answer.

How do you quantify infinite? How can you count the planets in the heavens? And then create an elevator pitch for it?

If I were to explain my religion, I would say MultiReligiousity. As the Unitarian Universalists put it, “It is like interfaith; however, doesn’t give the illusion of hard boundaries.”

As I learn more, I can see the efforts of each congregation/faith as being the efforts they need to do to appease their god. And even if the actions are offensive to me, it is still a divine act. Even if their actions are mis-guided within their own faith, they are still putting it forward thinking they assist their gods.

Who am I to question devotion, or faith, in something I might not be able to see. I can only act from within the knowledge I have, and honor your efforts at divinity. In a way, I have begun to appreciate the complexity of MultiReligiousity, and have begun to appreciate that naming a religion, is setting a boundary. It is creating a hurdle that will then have to be crossed.

When you step out of yourself, to see those around you, you act to them as if they are yourself. What was that golden rule? Treat others as you would wish to be treated? This is deeper than you may realize. It allows you to see the other as yourself, it allows you to appreciate that others have the same feelings, emotions, concerns, frustrations and ailments, that you do, it allows you to erase othering. We are the same. So making boundaries, only makes hurdles.

I think I would like to create a new religion, I call it: Oneness. It is a religion based on the fact that we are all one, and we act and treat people as they are us. Now, how do I start evangelizing this?

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